
Applying to ECS

Applying to Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School

Choosing the right school for your daughter is a big decision! We work closely with each family to understand their child's unique needs, aspirations, and values.

We welcome applications from Kindergarten to Grade 11 throughout the year on a rolling basis. It is advisable to begin the application process early to ensure you meet the deadlines. If you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to our Admissions team at

How the Admissions Process Works: 5 Simple Steps

List of 5 items.

ECS is going fully independent in September of 2025!
Certificates of eligibility for high school students will no longer be required. ECS deviendra entièrement indépendante à compter de septembre 2025! Les certificats d'admissibilité pour nos élèves du secondaire ne seront plus requis.

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Discover all that ECS has to offer to nurture the next generation of innovators!