
Our Entrepreneurial Platform

Our Evolution in Education

In 1909, two forward-thinking women, Miss Edgar and Miss Cramp, dreamt big and opened a school for girls against all odds. Their belief was that the right education could empower young women to take their due places at tables of power. Their entrepreneurial spirit continues to shape our legacy. At ECS, we deeply believe in a girls’ school and the future it can offer young women. We provide an enriched learning environment that encourages our students to explore and expand their interests. Each student is known and valued for the unique talents she brings with her.

ECS is committed to bringing learning to life with a strong academic offering and through our signature Entrepreneurial Platform (EP). The EP combines her subject learning and applies it toward solving a problem that is meaningful to her, allowing each girl the space to exercise her curiosity and creativity, and develop her critical thinking.
"Let us embrace the mistakes we make as stepping stones towards growth and understanding; through these shortcomings, we discover our true potential. Together, we will create an inclusive community where everyone feels valued and respected; a place where diversity is celebrated and cherished."
~Margaret Dorrance, Head of School

Our EP:

  • ASKS: 
    • What problems do you see? Is there a better way? 
    • How can these problems be opportunities?
    • What do you want to design, create or innovate to have an impact on a problem that matters to you?
    • An Entrepreneurial Mindset which is opportunity-seeking, resourceful, and consistently evolving.

What Will Your Daughter Do Next Year in the EP?

Projects are undefined - all elements of the EP are student-driven. Teachers and entrepreneurial coaches provide inspiration, ask questions to encourage students to dig deeper, and lead from behind. She will have the opportunity to work with entrepreneurial mentors within the community. 

What Skills Will She Acquire? 

She will develop an entrepreneurial mindset through: communication & collaboration, creativity & innovation, ideation & design-thinking. She will acquire various entrepreneurial skills through project development. Through an iterative process, they learn to reframe problems as opportunities for growth, gaining the confidence needed to make changes in their world. 

Our EP at a Glance

    • Our Entrepreneurial Platform

Our EP in the News

A Peek at Our Girls in Action

An ECS education emphasizes the importance of whole-girl development – we will build your daughter’s confidence and empower her to Dream Big throughout her life. We want to go beyond academic excellence and ignite their entrepreneurial spirit.

Kickstart Her Future

Discover all that ECS has to offer to nurture the next generation of innovators!