
Clubs & Activities

True Leadership Opportunities
ECS provides boundless opportunities for students to participate in clubs and committees at the School. 

While each club has a staff advisor, students are the real leaders! By participating in clubs, girls develop new skills and strengths, and often find their true passions and callings in life. Every year, students can launch the new clubs, and are expected to change the focus of existing ones.

For more information about our clubs & activities, contact Danielle Lecuyer

Debate Team

This club is open to students from Grades 7 to 11. Participants discuss current events, have seminars on how to construct a persuasive speech and refute an opponent, and run one round of debate. A University student who belongs to the McGill Debating Union facilitates the meetings. Debaters attend weekly meetings, but they can also sign up for tournaments that take place in Montreal or elsewhere in Canada. ECS debaters have a strong history of winning awards, both as individuals and in teams!

Avid Reader Club

This Club is a haven for ECS bibliophiles. Members read a variety of books to nurture and encourage their deep love of reading. The Avid Reader Club gives its members a space to share their opinions and thoughts with others who love to read. Not only can they open themselves up to new authors, genres and worlds, they learn to discuss literature in an eloquent, intelligent and gratifying way.

World Scholar's Cup

The World Scholar's Cup is an academic competition held each year. Teams compete in Regional Rounds to qualify for the Global Round. In 2017, the Global Rounds were held in 3 different cities: Hanoi, Athens, and Cape Town. In Athens, delegations from 42 countries competed and thousands of students participated. The top teams qualify for the final round, the Tournament of Champions, which was held at Yale University in November. We're proud to announce that our ECS team qualified for the Tournament of Champions and placed 5th in the North American division.

ECS Clubs & Activities

- Ambassadors - Home Economics
- Art - Innovative Minds
- Arts Festival - Junior Tutoring
- Athletic Council - Library Committee
- C.A.R.E. (Club for Animal Respect and Education) - Model UN
- Drama - Instrumental & Vocal Music 
- Environment - Non Nobis Committee
- EyeClub (Laptop Angels, Photography, Radio ECS, Stall Seat Journal, 3D Design & Math) - Yearbook
- Global Awareness - Grad Committee
- Gay Straight Alliance - Helping Hands
- Health & Happiness Committee - Tea Room
- History Bee & Bowl - Bazaar Committee

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