
Non Nobis

"Non Nobis Sed Urbi Et Orbi"
Not for Ourselves Alone, but for the City and the World
From Day One, ECS was founded on the belief that involvement in one’s community is a vital part of a person’s rounded and whole development.

Outward-looking community awareness is at the heart of the ECS philosophy – “for the City and the World” – and community service is an integral part of school and student life.

In fact, the Non Nobis Program gives each and every grade a focus and responsibility to achieve during the year, offering students the chance to understand others, and therefore better understand themselves and their role in the world.

The events and program that make ECS such a remarkable school are supported by the large number of volunteers from the ECS community. Both parent and alumnae volunteers bring their unique talents, skills and dedication to helping deliver the ECS mission and providing an example of leadership and community-mindedness for their children.

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